Tag Archive for: Start-up

What Do You See?

During my career I have had opportunities to work in many different locations all over the country.  Each location had a completely different view.  If I was in a retail location, the view was generally of a busy street with passing cars and pedestrian traffic.  A hotel meeting or conference usually did not have a window to the outside world, so you saw mostly hotel guests and generic artwork.  A corporate office view would range from a picturesque landscape that covered countless acres to a dark alley that made you glad you were inside.  Prior to my new venture, my personal office looked over acres of trees and rolling hills that overshadowed the highways and office buildings in the area.  It was really quite beautiful, especially when a midwestern thunderstorm would roll in.  I noticed that in each location, over time, I would become accustomed to the view and almost not even notice it.  This “phenomenon” not only happens with the visual things we see everyday, but with the other important things we encounter on a daily basis.  How many times over the years do things change so gradually that we fail to notice that “suddenly” they don’t look the same anymore?  If we don’t stop and take a hard look at our business on a regular basis, what are the things we miss?

You hear about the horrible fraud cases where someone trusted within an organization has been defrauding them over a long period of time.  How did that situation happen?  Was there someone that should have been taking a hard look at things, but instead did not notice the gradual changes that were taking place?  The same could be said for long-term clients.  Do you ever get surprised because you have a sudden departure from what you believed was a very satisfied client – “They never said they were unhappy.”?  Did you take the relationship for granted and not notice the gradual unhappiness creep in?  If you are a manager in a retail location, do you ever get surprised when you get feedback that the appearance of your shop is “tired”?  As you walk in every day it looks clean and organized.  How do you notice that over time paint, signs, and other fixtures become faded and lose their lustre?  All of these situations require us to take a hard, honest look at the things we see on a daily basis.  If we cannot be the objective eye to identify the opportunities for improvement, who do we task to give us this critical information?

My new venture has the wonderful view of a rooftop.  I see roofing, air conditioning units, and depending on the season, leaves blowing around.  While others may see this as an eyesore, I see it as the view that was given to me as I explore my new opportunities to help others with their vision.  I see this as my avenue to adventure.  Over time, to make sure that I do not miss the gradual changes or become accustomed to the view, I will need some objective help to remind me that this vision needs to stay on track.  Who will you have do this for you?


Are We Excited Yet?

It’s been 10 days since I left my my “cushy” corporate job that I have spent over 22 years as an operations executive to start a consulting business from scratch.  I have spent almost half of my life and most of my professional life with the same organization.  I started with QC Holdings, Inc. when it had less than 20 locations and as I am leaving it has over 400 locations.  I helped transition QC from a one-product company to multiple products over multiple divisions in two countries  We went from a small, privately owned company to a larger, publicly traded company.  As I look back at the time I spent at QC, I am amazed at all the memories I have, both good and great.

Why in the heck would I leave this?

I asked myself that question and have been asked that question many, many times over the last couple of weeks.  The answer is I need to wake up and be excited for the day.  Not just from the perspective of spending time with my wonderful family, but with creating something meaningful at work.  QC is doing exciting, meaningful things, but it just has not been invigorating for me lately – and that’s how I knew it was time to do something different.  There used to be times I would wake up in the middle of the night with my adrenaline going because of something exciting we were working on.  Recently I would wake up in the middle of the night because one of our three kids is crying…  While that is part of being a good father, from a business/career perspective, I used those early mornings as a barometer of working on challenging, exciting projects.

My passion over the years has been growing our business and creating new product opportunities.  As I contemplated my departure from QC to the great unknown, I realized I would need to find an opportunity that allowed me to focus my passion and energy on something that I loved, but at the same time had enough variability that I would stay challenged.  The obvious answer to me was to start a consulting company that focused on helping businesses grow.  I want to help businesses take their growth to the next level.  I want to have the opportunity to match my passion for growth with their passion for their business.  I am excited to see how I can leverage my 20+ years of diverse experiences to help others succeed.  Truthfully, I am nervous about leaving the safety net of a regular paycheck and solid structure for the vast unknown of the world of entrepreneurs, but I am exhilarated that it is something new and exciting.  I am looking forward to the new opportunities that will be available to me.  I am excited!


It’s All In The Name

Each time you try something new, there will be pressure to get things right. When you are starting a new business, the list of things to get “right” can be pretty lengthy. From my past experience, the science or art of picking the right name can be the most intimidating. Especially when the name you pick represents you and what you believe in. In my mind, this is no small thing.

When I started looking for a business name, I wanted something that wasn’t too specific or confining, but at the same time gave an idea of what I was trying to do. Knowing that I probably lacked the creativity of coming up with a brand new word, I focused on something that denoted action. I thought this was especially important since my focus is going to be on improving businesses.

When I first came across the word “incite”, I was intrigued. Historically it has been used in relation to acts of aggression – “incite a riot”, but the actual meaning is “stimulate or prompt to action”. That part really resonated with me. While I was a little concerned with the negative connotation, if I connected Incite to Business, I felt it conveyed a strong positive message. Ultimately, what I will be doing is prompting action within a business.

It probably makes sense to also answer the question, “What will Incite Business do?” My broad plan is to take a collaborative approach to small and medium businesses that want to grow to the next level. That could be helping create and executing a strategic plan, identifying and delivering alternative revenue channels, or working within the existing organization to help at a crucial growth phase. With over 20 years of experience growing many different types of businesses, I believe Incite Business has the opportunity to be a positive force for others.